
This website has been developed by Ingleby Greenhow Parish Council. I hope you find it useful and informative. It contains details of Parish Council business and much more, including community news and information about local services and businesses. The development of the website has been funded by a central government grant.
The Parish Council meet in the Village Hall every second Tuesday of the month, except for August and December. All parishioners are welcome to attend. There is an open forum for any questions and comments.
We shall be pleased to receive your comments about this website also, and moreover we shall be very happy to receive contributions from parishioners - news of events, photographs, indeed any items of local interest.
We also hope that the website will encourage visitors to this delightful part of the world.The Parish is a gateway to the North York Moors National Park, and nestles beneath the Cleveland Hills, an area of beauty and historical interest.
Cllr Terry Sutcliffe